Recommended Interior Primer for interior wall surfaces, ceilings, etc., Whereas exterior primer is recommended for exterior surfaces. An excellent product with a good finish and good coverage.

Ensure that the surface is properly prepared as per requirement

MIXING RATIO Stir well before use. Add 300-350 ml of potable water to one lit of primer and mix well.
APPLICATION Apply by brush, roller, or Spray.
FINISH MattĀ  Finish.
WASHABILITY Medium Washability.
DRYING TIME Surface Dry: 45-60 Minutes, Hard Dry: 3-4 Hours.
INTERVAL BETWEEN COATS Apply the second coat after 4 hours, if required.

It is harmful if swallowed. In which case seek medical attention

Wear eye protection glass while applying

Do not throw left over paint in open drain / public drainage

In case of skin contact wash thoroughly with soap water

Keep out reach from children and away from food & drinks.

Keep away from direct sunlight

In case of contact with eye wash with plenty of water and if irritation continues seek medical attention

No added lead and mercury