Eco Friendly Paints

Low VOC (Zero VOC)


MARVEL EXTERIOR EMULSION is one of our widely accepted ranges of Exterior Paint which will give you a smooth finish for your exterior walls. It beautifies your wall and gives you a bright matt finish. Compared to Traditional Cement Paint it costs you less as it gives you a coverage of 1.5 t0 2.00 times than Cement Paint and will last for at least three years and economical in pricing. It is the most sought after product in our range of products.

Ensure that the surface is properly prepared as per requirement(follow the guidelines of best practices before paint application-printed in the last page).

PRIMING / UNDER COAT Apply supercoat water base exterior primer as required. Smoothen the surface. Wipe clean with cloth.
MIXING RATIO Add 300 – 400 ml potable water to one liter of paint. Mix well and the paint is ready to use.
APPLICATION Apply by Brush / Roller.
FINISH Matt Finish.
COVERING CAPACITY 60-70 Sq. ft per liter for 2 coats on a properly prepared surfaces.
WASHABILITY Medium washability.
DRYING TIME Surface Dry : 45-60 Minutes. Hard Dry : 4-5 Hours.
INTERVAL BETWEEN COATS Apply second coat after 5-6 hours.
SHELF LIFE 2-3 years when kept in Original closely-held container / unopened
STABILITY OF MIXED PAINT To be used within 24 hours of mixing.
RECOMMENDED  Only for Exterior walls.
COLOR RANGE Choose the colors of your choice.

Easy Applications

Beautify walls with Marvel Exterior emulsion.

Low VOC and eco green.

Covers hairline cracks.

Medium washability.

Lead and Mercury free

Excellent hiding and covers more area

Easy recoatability

Very economical

It is harmful if swallowed. In which case seek medical attention

Wear eye protection glass while applying

Do not throw left over paint in open drain / public drainage

In case of skin contact wash thoroughly with soap water

Keep out reach from children and away from food & drinks.

Keep away from direct sunlight

In case of contact with eye wash with plenty of water and if irritation continues seek medical attention

No added lead and mercury

1 Litter

4 Litter

10 Litter

20 Litter


Stir & Strain


